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About Me
Software engineer for humans
Bringing together developers, by bringing together technology.
Check out my blog →Tech I love
What is a full-stack engineer?
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.Martin Fowler
Full-stack engineers write code that humans can understand for web, mobile, and backend (server-side) environments.
Useful Tools
For Fun
Web Dev
About Me
Hi! I'm Tristan, a full-stack software engineer that brings together technologies that are a joy to work with. I've seen firsthand that the right tools save immense time and effort, making teams productive, confident, and happy to work together.
I've been programming since 2012, and worked accross all sorts of software and hardware projects. From designing processors, circuit boards, and firmware to supercomputing, web development and mobile apps, I've been around the block.
I love depth and details, but have found myself valuing "impact" above all else when it comes to technical work. Being down in the weeds can be fun, but I'm going to stay up-town for a while, in the land of "delivering value to customers".
Hopefully those that I've already had the pleasure of working with don't think this site sells me short, or streches the truth too thinly. If it does... the site's in github, open an issue!
Built with
A beautiful geometric sans: The official typeface for brand automation company
Geometric sans serif typefaces have always been popular, and with support for both the Devanagari and Latin writing systems, Poppins is an internationalist addition to the genre.
Righteous was initially inspired by the all capitals letterforms from the deco posters of Hungarian artist Robert Berény for Modiano.
Sanchez is a slab serif typeface family from Chilean type foundry LatinoType.
DM Serif Text
DM Serif Text is a lower-contrast counterpart to the high-contrast DM Serif Display.
Peanut Gallery
- If I asked my customers what they wanted, they'd say "faster horses". If I asked sales what my customers wanted, they'd say "longer horses"
- “Annoyingly competent”
- "Competently annoying"
- "Tristan is the ringer you call in when you know your problem could be easy"
- “His skills are as relevant as his humor is irreverent”
Favicon Fun
I love the Astro homepage favicon effect, and replicated it on my site.
iOS Native Browser Plugins
I created a custom browser to allow web apps to use custom iOS functionality. Now developers can use our mobile functionality without investing in building an mobile app of their own.