Do You Wanna Build a HPC Cluster?: Part 1 - Networking
For those of you that don't personally know me, and therefore haven't witnessed the slow descent into madness that comes every fall to haunt me, welcome to the International Supercomputing Conference!
Do You Wanna Build a HPC Cluster?: Part 2 - Users
12/19/2017Unknown creatorWith all your computers networked together, you're going to quickly realize that user management becomes a nightmare across machines. Ansible can help for small clusters.
Jetson at Home
I have a couple of CUDA-capable devices though my house
Computer Architecture for Dummies
11/30/2017Unknown creatorComputers are the miracle of the modern age, and have transformed the way we work, think, and live. To most, computers are magical and 'just work', a sentiment derived from the boundless effort spent developing wonderful machines and software by computer engineers and scientists.
Acer Aspire & the UEFI Blues
10/10/2017Unknown creatorLong long ago, I bought an Acer laptop. When it broke, I replaced the HDD and installed Linux. Acer's UEFI implementation sucks, so to get it booting I had to do some hacking.